Shaping a Smarter Future: The Success of Rethink Trust Enterprise Blockchain Conference

July 10, 2018


On June 29, Intellectsoft co-hosted Rethink Trust blockchain conference that took place in Amsterdam’s historic venue Beurs van Berlage. The event was also hosted by an iconic Silicon Valley event series By the Bay, as well as artificial intelligence and data engineering company Provectus.

Gathering over 400 C-level executives, industry experts, blockchain engineers, and industry leaders, Rethink Trust successfully achieved its mission: bringing the spotlight back to the blockchain’s problem-solving potential in the enterprise across industries and facilitate the discussion about it. The conference focused solely on business use cases of blockchain, how to implement it, the technology’s future in the enterprise, and a multitude of other topics.

Leading the way were the blockchain industry’s top minds. The first keynote of the conference came from IBM’s Christopher Ferris, who introduced Hyperledger frameworks of 10 projects on which he has been working on. Mariana Gómez de la Villa from ING followed with a keynote arguing that Distributed Ledger Technology solutions will supersede blockchain in the financial industry, as the technology was not tailored to solve its problems. Mariana also displayed ING’s project LEIA, a sovereign identity on a shared KYC utility (while her contribution to the industry amounts to 44 proofs of concept and 6 pilots projects. Later in the day, Oracle’s Joost Volker explained how to make enterprise blockchain a reality and how existing enterprises use permissioned blockchain technology integrated with identity management and role-based access control to raise enterprise trust. As of now, over twenty organizations used Oracle’s blockchain solution in their pilot programs. The conference had many other talks. The speakers focused on key issues in blockchain industry, from a detailed look on blockchain forks and scaling the technology to decentralized apps and blockchain in the energy sector.

Rethink Trust also had 3 workshops, taking place in Beurs van Berlage’s historic Berlage Zaal. Arnaud Le Hors, Senior Technical Staff Member of Web & Blockchain Open Technologies at IBM, led a workshop about Hyperledger Fabric, while Topl’s co-founder and lead engineer Nick Edmonds discussed the company’s Edda framework with the audience.

The third workshop was the only event on Rethink Trust to have no available seats left: Nick Kurat, Director of Intellectsoft Blockchain Lab, and Tim Kozak, the Lab’s Head of Technology, held a discussion on best practices, processes, and platforms in blockchain POC Development for the enterprise. Nick also gave a talk on real-life blockchain cases earlier in the day at the event’s main stage.

“With all the hype around blockchain and mass anticipation of a bright future it has to bring, there are business and engineering professionals who make blockchain magic happen. We wanted to bring them under one roof to meet, share experience and facilitate the conversation about latest developments in DLT, as well as current technology challenges and ways to improve the existing developments,” said Nick Kurat. “I’m grateful to all the attendees, speakers, partners, and sponsors who joined us to make Rethink Trust a reality. The conference was a great success and I’m looking forward to Rethink Trust 2019 next year!”

The conference was part of By the Bay, the leading developer meetups and OSS conferences in Silicon Valley that partner with global technology giants like IBM, Apple, Twitter, Uber, and Salesforce.

“Our first Rethink Trust was a huge success — enterprise leaders from around the world had gathered at historic Stock Exchange of Amsterdam to charge lead Blockchain Data revolution.  We’ve met a fantastic audience comprised of technical and business leaders of the largest global companies, including IBM, ING, ABN Amro, Bosch, KLM, and so many more, coming from around the world. Many Hyperledger practitioners stopped by as they were in town for their Hackfest.  The workshop track was full, and the discussions in the sponsor areas were lively. We are already looking forward to Rethink Trust 2019 US to be held in San Francisco in March 2019 — joins us!”

With the continuous advent of blockchain and DLT, the technology’s gradual implementation in enterprises around the world, as well as including it in Industry 4.0 concepts, Intellectsoft is excited to bring the next, bigger chapter and further facilitate blockchain communication and implementation with the next Rethink Trust event.

Find out more about Intellectsoft Blockchain Lab.

Visit the Lab’s blog to read the story about the event.

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