Free Expert Webinar: Transforming the Enterprise with Blockchain Tokenization

October 24, 2018


In the last two years, predictions on how blockchain will transform a wide array of industries have been shaking the Enterprise World. After industry leaders implemented their Proofs-of-Concepts and startups tinkered with the technology, some predictions turned out to be exaggerated while others lived up to expectations. Blockchain technology can transform the enterprise, making it much more secure, transparent, and efficient.

Tokenization with blockchain is one the ways to perform such transformation. On November 15 at 12pm EST (5pm GMT), join the top experts of Intellectsoft Blockchain Lab and Distributed Lab at a live discussion to explore the essentials and possibilities of this concept.  

Register for the Free Webinar to learn about:

  • Enterprise blockchain — state of affairs
  • Enterprise blockchain promises that still stand and those that failed
  • Tokenization: concept and principles
  • Areas of implementation and real life examples
  • Implementation constraints and best practices

Register Now

Speakers of the webinar:

  • Nick Kurat — Director of the Intellectsoft Blockchain Lab
  • Tim Kozak — Head of Technology at Intellectsoft Blockchain Lab
  • Pavel Kravchenko — Co-founder of Distributed Lab. Pavel received a PhD in Cryptography in 2012 from the Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics after publishing a groundbreaking thesis on securing public infrastructures.

After the webinar, you will have a chance to discuss blockchain with our experts in a Q&A session.

Established in April 2018 as a part of Intellectsoft Group, Intellectsoft Blockchain Lab is a separate unit that helps design and develop industry-specific blockchain solutions for enterprises and startups.

Distributed Lab (founded in 2014) is a company dedicated to advancing the cryptocurrency and state-of-the-art blockchain solutions through independent R&D, government projects, collaborations with national universities, and standard-setting initiatives.

Make the first steps towards your impactful blockchain solution. Click here to register for our free webinar now.

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