Comments on: 3 Types of Software Architecture for Internet of Things Devices Tue, 15 Oct 2019 09:52:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: bexcite Wed, 02 Sep 2015 04:07:00 +0000 Daemon, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I totally agree that type 3 is much better to cover every corner of the home. Want to add that even in that architecture there usually one Master device that is more capable than other and in some future we might see that type 3 and type 2 will converge into topology with one or several hubs (masters) and many slaves connected by mesh networks.

By: DaemonES Tue, 01 Sep 2015 17:23:00 +0000 Despite the fact that big players will go for hub-centric architecture I believe only mesh networks could work well for home IoT (type 3). WiFi, ZigBee, BLE and other 2.4 GHz based protocols with hub-centric architecture will not cover all corners of your home.
