Reading List: Top Resources to Read About IoT

October 2, 2015

Today the Internet of Things is radically changing the way we live and interact with the world around us. This statement does not seem too bold if we look at how much the Internet has already influenced such spheres as education, communication, business, science, government, and the entire human society. And the IoT is the next stage in the development of the Internet, that is characterised with the emergence of “smart” and connected devices, which interact not only with users, but also with each other. And it is expected that in the future, ‘things’ will become active participants of all processes, will interact and communicate with each other by sharing information about the environment, respond to and influence the processes occurring in the environment without human participation. That sounds impressive, but it is even more exciting to know that this future is already happening now.

While every day new technologies open up more and more amazing opportunities, we want to keep abreast of all the news and developments in the field. That is why we made a list of resources that will help you to stay informed and follow all the news happening in the IoT world.

News resources

WT VOX – One of the largest and most credible resources on emerging tech, covering such fields as IoT, digital health, fashion tech, robotics, big data and wearable tech, it features a good calendar of IoT events around the world.

Internet of Things Worm – A professional news site dedicated to the IoT industry that covers such topics as wearables, smart cities, health care, smart manufacturing, startups and companies, as well as general news in the industry, it also has a list of upcoming events with a promotional code for discounts of up to 15%.

IoT News Network – An independent resource for the Internet of Things, covering all the industry news.

IEEE IoT – Probably the largest resource that covers nearly all IoT topics and features:

  • articles & interviews
  • info about conferences focused on IoT
  • IEEE Xplorer – Digital Library of the latest publications
  • IEEE Spectrum Magazine – the leading engineering magazine, and lots more useful information from the IoT world.

IoT Insights – A news source on the IoT and M2M with industry news, interviews with the industry’s leading thinkers and upcoming events.

IoTworldnews – Offers regular news (more like official press-releases) about IoT and has its Calendar of events.


IoT Developers Journal – A weekly newsletter highlighting the most interesting projects, created in the field of inter-connected “things”.

IoT Weekly – A weekly newsletter covering everything that is going on in the world of IoT.

IoT Insights newsletter – A monthly, it summarises the major IOT events over the last month and examines key issues that shape the IOT industry.

IEEE IoT newsletter – A bi-monthly online publication that features practical information and insights on IoT developments and deployments around the world.

IoT London –  A monthly newsletter about the activities of the Internet of Things community in London.


@wtvox – Twitter account of WT VOX news resource.

@WearableTechLfe – Twitter account of WearableTechLife news resource.

@WTC2015 – Twitter account of Wearables TechCon, one of the largest dedicated technical conferences for OEM builders, developers and designers of wearable computing technology.

@IBMIoT – Official IBM #IoT Twitter account.

@Inteliot – Official twitter account of Intel IoT.

@iotworldnews – News and updates from the organiser of the Internet of Things World event.

@IEEESpectrum – Official twitter account of the world’s leading engineering magazine IEEE Spectrum.

@iotnewsnetwork – Official twitter account of the IoTNewsNetwork.

If you have a great resource about IoT that we missed here to mention, feel free to add it in the comments below. Thanks!

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