
Healthcare Empowering Healthcare Software

Our software platform and custom development allow healthcare institutions to create comprehensive cross-platform solutions that ensure positive patient experiences and streamlined workflows. From easy scheduling and navigation with a branded app to asset management and Big Data -- our solutions can improve any operation in your institution.

Patient Engagement

Apps built using our mobile application platform help hospitals and healthcare providers tackle their most significant challenges. Cut losses due to missed appointments by sending timely reminders to your patients. Help patients get where they’re going with real-time indoor navigation functionality. Send important updates to visitors based on their location in the building with beacon-based push notification triggers.

  • Real-time Navigation
  • Reminders & Notifications
  • Incident Reporting
  • Geofencing

Employee Management

Empower your employees with the digital tools they need to react quickly and work efficiently. Create a mobile command center for your hospital facilities and allow doctors and nurses to report incidents. Use mobile schedules and online consultation tools to help doctors respond to the needs of their patients quicker. Track and prioritize patient flow in the ER with the help of real-time notifications.

  • Scheduling
  • Online Consultations
  • Real-time Employee Tracking
  • Identification & Smart Prioritization

Analytics and Administration

Use our platform or create a web portal for powerful administration tools that help you control content, analyze usage statistics for employees and patients, and make workflow improvements based on Big Data. Use location analytics to create heatmaps, increase efficiency with comprehensive scheduling and resource management tools, and integrate third-party software to expand your mobile suite’s functionality.

  • Internet of Things
  • Big Data
  • Web Portals
  • Real-time Communication