Top Blockchain Development Companies 2019: Where You Can Hire Top Blockchain Developers

August 31, 2018

After the cryptocurrency craze of 2017, more and more companies started to realise that blockchain technology holds immense transformational potential for their business operations. As a result, many blockchain development companies appeared around the world to cater to this demand. Concurrently, the majority of top blockchain companies emerged after the reorganization of existing reputable tech companies. These companies acknowledge that technologies like blockchain hold immense potential that could help them and their clients grow, as well as get a competitive edge.

Nevertheless, when you choose what blockchain company to hire, it’s always a challenge. First, you want to find a company that would cater to the needs of your business. Then, blockchain-related questions would start amounting: What platform and programming language to choose? Which of the modifications are crucial and which are optional? What’s of the highest priority for your blockchain solution — scale, speed, or multifunctionality?

xTo help you choose the right partner quicker, we have compiled a comprehensive list the best blockchain companies based on a number of criteria.

How Did We Pick The Best Blockchain Development Companies

We considered the following factors:

    • Years in the market
    • Size of the team
    • Geography and access to local pools of developers
    • Reference by customers, media, and other companies
    • Delivered solution and satisfied customers
    • Cost of the service
    • Expertise in and understanding of the market and business development
  • Flexibility and variety of use cases

IBM Blockchain Enterprise Blockchain Solutions And Services

IBM has been a leader in bridging security gaps in the enterprises for decades. No wonder the corporation was among the first organizations to support the Hyperledger project, popularising the flexible blockchain network. IBM has also partnered with a number of businesses from other industries to experiment with distributed ledger technology (DLT) and build the new blockchain solutions that also leverage the Internet of Things (IoT).

IBM Enterprise Blockchain Solutions & Services

One of the top blockchain companies, IBM envisions a fully transparent food system, identity security worldwide, and efficient financial management with tools. The corporation has sponsored and took part in many educational events related to blockchain, including Intellectsoft’s “Blockchain: Rethink Trust” conference in Amsterdam in June 2018.

Founded: 1911

Employees:  380,000+

Headquarters: Armonk, NY

Focus: Starter Services, Acceleration Services, Innovation Services

How to reach out:

Intellectsoft Blockchain Lab: Delivering Blockchain Development Services With The Largest Pool Of Software Developers

As part of Intellectsoft Group, Intellectsoft Blockchain Lab has access to the biggest pool of blockchain engineering, cryptography, and cybersecurity talent in Eastern Europe. The lab’s expertise has already helped dozens of SMBs and enterprises including E&Y, London Stock Exchange, and many more.

Intellectsoft Blockchain Development Lab

The lab’s services include product vision and technical design workshop for startups, private and public blockchain development, smart contracts development and audit, and hybrid systems development. A top blockchain company, the Lab also assists enterprises with Proof of Concept vision and technical design workshops, establishing consortium networks, and integrating blockchain solutions with legacy infrastructures. The core technologies of the blockchain development company include Parity, EOS, and Stellar.

Founded: 2007

Employees: 350+

Headquarters: Palo Alto, CA

Focus: Blockchain Technology Consulting, Public and Private Blockchains Development, Distributed Applications (DApps), Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Forks

How to reach out:

LeewayHertz Blockchain Development Company For Startups and Enterprises

LeewayHertz builds applications using a selection of emerging technologies, like IoT,  Augmented Reality (AR), and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Also providing mobile and web development services, this blockchain company has gathered an extensive portfolio. The company caters to startups and enterprises and has already applied blockchain in the following fields:

    • Healthcare
    • IoT
    • Aviation
    • Peer-to-peer lending
    • Insurance
  • Legal industry

The range of distributed ledger solutions is also wide: the blockchain company offers services based on Hyperledger, Ethereum, and even Hedera Hashgraph (a directed acyclic graph, or DAG, solution).

LeewayHertz Blockchain Development Company Logo

As one of the top blockchain companies, LeewayHertz applies blockchain technology for data capturing, streamlining business processes, and enabling higher levels of privacy, automation, and usability.

Founded: 2007

Employees: 100+

Headquarters: San-Francisco, CA

Focus: Blockchain Development and Consulting Services, Hyperledger, Ethereum Development, Hedera Hashgraph, ICO Launch, Internet of Things, Augmented Reality

How to reach out:

Innovecs: the All-in-one Blockchain Software Development Outsourcing Company

Innovecs is a large Ukrainian multi-disciplinary software firm with blockchain expertise. Innovecs specializes in blockchain application development, distributed document management, money transfer solutions, loyalty programs, and enterprise cryptocurrency platforms. Innovecs caters to e-commerce, retail, high tech, and healthcare organizations. The best blockchain development company must obtain a deep domain knowledge, and this is exactly what Innovecs has managed to do over the years in various business verticals.

LeewayHertz Blockchain Development Company

Their expertise extends to business intelligence and Big Data, AI, QA automation, hybrid apps, and DevOps. As blockchain solutions often require expertise in several other IT domains, this is another plus for Innovecs. Paired with the amount of available experts and their wide-ranging skill sets, Innovecs can be an option for large enterprises looking into big blockchain solutions and vast blockchain ecosystems.

Founded: 2011

Employees : 400+

Headquarters: Kyiv, Ukraine

Focus: Blockchain, Bl & Big Data, AI, QA

How to reach out:

Coinfabrik Blockchain Development Company

Coinfabrik has more than 20 years of experience in developing and reviewing security applications. Since the emergence of Bitcoin they have also been very active in the cryptocurrency space, designing new cryptocurrency protocols and discovering a large number of security vulnerabilities in blockchain technology. The services of this blockchain development company expand to assisting customers with defining product specifications, creating UI & UX designs, integrating applications, deploying hybrid cloud environment products, and providing QA services along with continuous support. The company offers a couple of core blockchain services, including smart contracts development and audit, as well as proof-of-existence (PoE) platforms, blockchain-based exchanges and wallets.

Сoinfabrik Blockchain Development Company

Why one may consider Coinfabrik as a blockchain company of choice? It has deep technical expertise in the blockchain development. The case studies of one of the best blockchain companies include a multi-cryptocurrency wallet, peer-to-peer loans project, anti-fraud system using Sig3 Multi-signature, and identity verification solution with smart contracts TrustStamp. The company also implemented merge-mining and the BIP-R10 Bitcoin improvement proposal with segregated witness support (segwit). All of this makes Coinfabrik a top blockchain development company with a solid knowledge of and experience in the field.

Founded: 2014

Employees : 20+

Headquarters: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Foсus: Smart Contract Development, Smart Contract Audit, Loan Data Sharing, Exchanges and Wallets, Proof-of-Existence (PoE)

How to reach out:  

Empirica Fintech and Blockchain Software Development Company

Believing that blockchain is becoming an important part of the financial transactions infrastructure, Empirica has delivered a large number of FinTech projects, fully embracing software development of distributed systems based on blockchain. The Empirica software solutions range from a cryptocurrency algorithmic trading platform to crypto asset management to ICO investor portal. This blockchain company also uses the technology for arbitrage, and other trading applications of cryptocurrencies.

Empirica Fintech and Blockchain Software Development Company

The company’s services include blockchain systems development, like multi-signature wallets and exchanges, ICO services if a client is planning to raise money by issuing tokens, and smart contracts on Ethereum. Empirica software is one of the few blockchain companies that addresses a wide spectrum of financial categories where blockchain technology can be used, including trade finance, loans, equity post-trade processing, peer-to-peer (P2P) systems, automated compliance auditing, and more.

Founded: 2009

Employees: 40+

Headquarters: Wroclaw, Poland

Focus: Smart Contracts, Exchanges and Wallets, Cryptocurrency Development

How to reach out:

Microsoft Steps In As A Blockchain Development Company

Microsoft is another IT giant that addув its name to the line “top blockchain development company.” Given their widely used cloud computing solution Azure, this step is logical. Microsoft blockchain offering is a combination of several frameworks:

    • Corda
    • Ethereum
  • Hyperledger Fabric

By combining these tools, the blockchain company can offer its clients a distributed ledger platform to deploy a multi-participant, multi-node network — with a network map, notaries, and peers. Microsoft Azure also allows for arranging a variety of network topologies in minutes while managing nodes with cross-region deployments, monitoring, and virtual machine scale sets. It can also establish services for membership, ordering, and validating peers.

Microsoft Blockchain Development Services

The management behind this leading-edge blockchain development company believes that blockchain should primarily enable IoT-driven asset monitoring. Examples include multi-party blockchain networks for supply chains in the food and pharmaceuticals industries. Microsoft offers this and other solutions to large enterprises to introduce higher safety, automation, and efficiency — all in a distributed cloud.

Founded: 1975

Employees: 131,000+  

Headquarters:  Redmond, WA

Focus: Distributed Multi-Model Database, Blockchain Workbench, Supply Chains

How to reach out :

Ciklum: Empowering Collaboration And Blockchain Development Services

Ciklum is an innovative IT outsourcing company that specializes in nearshore software development in Eastern Europe, particularly in Ukraine and Belarus. According to the Washington-based consulting company Clutch, blockchain development represents only two percent of their overall services. On the other hand, Ciklum’s business model relies on the company’s immense expertise in software development. In addition to providing knowledge-sharing activities to clients, Ciklum has its own R&D lab to foster an efficient working environment. This makes it one of the top blockchain development companies.

iklum Blockchain Development Services

Founded: 2002

Employees: 3000+

Headquarters: Kyiv, Ukraine

Focus: Smart Contracts, Supply Chains


Infosys Reimagines Itself As A Blockchain Development Company

Infosys is a global leader in consulting, developing, and outsourcing emerging technology services. The company has been deploying software solutions for its clients in more than fifty countries for almost four decades. Given the company’s far-reaching engineer base and long-standing technological expertise, embracing blockchain was a logical step for Infosys. Second, Infosys recognizes the importance of building solid client relationships. With over 100 development offices, this top blockchain company can afford blockchain R&D centers and incubators for research, assessment, and prototyping.

InfoSys Blockchain Company

This top blockchain development company stands on three pillars. Infosys accelerates the realization of a project concept with a pre-built blockchain platform and further supports it. The firm achieves advanced interoperability and allows for high-level security and privacy of shared data, consensus management, data exchange standardization, as well as the re-alignment of business processes among the network participants. The company has developed proofs of concept for Energy, Communications, Corporate Bonds, Cross-Border Payments, Global Remittance, P2P Payments, Health Records and Pharma, Airplane damage tracking IP, Supply Chain Transparency, and more.

Founded: 1981

Employees: 187,000+

Headquarters: Bengaluru, India

Focus: Blockchain Incubation as a Service, Technology Advisory, Blockchain Consulting, Blockchain Development, Integration and Testing Services

How to reach out:

BR Softech: Blockchain Development Services

BR Softech is an award-winning web, mobile, and game apps development company with offices in USA, Canada, Australia, and India. This blockchain development company has a comprehensive intelligence system across various industries and domains and is dedicated to offering the skills needed for a particular IT solution, including shared ledger solutions. BR Softech relies on the excellence in project management, instantaneous 24/7 customer support, and focus on customer demands. The company has made it a priority to deliver the most complicated and advanced web and mobile solutions to satisfy clients around the globe.

BR Softech Blockchain Development Services

In terms of blockchain development, this company devotes only a fraction of the resources to it. BR Softech focuses on Hyperledger Fabric and its modifications. Therefore, by consulting with BR Softech blockchain company and ordering a software development service form them, one receives a clear set of technical specifications for the project, along with the opportunities and limitations of the technology.

Founded: 2010

Employees : 180+  

Headquarters: Jaipur, India

Focus: Hyperledger, Blockchain Development, Cryptocurrency Development, Bitcoin Mining Development

How to reach out:  

MLG Blockchain Development And Consulting Company

MLG blockchain company provides a turn-key approach to an information technology outsourcing (ITO) and helps companies streamline the process of hiring experts. What’s the company’s focus? First, MLG blockchain development company provides security audit of smart contracts. Then, this blockchain company can also help with SAFT investment agreements, ITO Liquidation, and general capital management.

MLG Blockchain Development And Consulting Company

MLG blockchain development company can also deliver a token-curated registry (TCR) and support a company’s token marketing and bounty campaign. Apart from that, a company can turn to MLG for accounting and consulting, strategic planning services, and executive blockchain training.

Founded: unspecified

Employees: 30+

Headquarters: Toronto, Canada

Focus: Blockchain Consulting, Token, Development, Token Marketing, Token Distribution, Blockchain Capital

How to reach out:

How To Choose Your Partner Among The Best Blockchain Companies?

Ultimately, our list of top blockchain companies of 2019 is not definitive. Despite its evolution and increasing adoption across industries, blockchain is a relatively young technology. There might be more reliable firms that can be regarded to as the best blockchain companies that didn’t gain traction yet.  

Finding your blockchain partner is similar to finding a reliable partner for any other project: make an initial research, ask as many questions as you need, expect your potential partner to answer abundantly and be curious about your blockchain plans, and ask them to tell about their projects in detail. Your potential partner will consider whether your business needs blockchain at all, too. Look carefully: in an field still full of hype, finding the right partner takes time and effort, more so if you plan that blockchain will be a big gear in your business.

If you can’t postpone your blockchain solution any longer, get in touch with the experts of Intellectsoft Blockchain Lab.

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