Intellectsoft Named a Top Enterprise & Retail Mobile App Development Company Globally by Clutch

October 3, 2019

Intellectsoft has become a Top App Developer in Enterprise and Retail categories, according to a recent report from the leading Washington-based B2B ratings and reviews platform Clutch. The report highlights top 247 mobile and web development companies in 14 industries: automotive, enterprise services, dental, ecommerce, financial services, education, retail, hospitality, legal, real estate, media, non-profit, ecommerce, and healthcare.

“Clutch is proud to recognize the firms that truly take the time to understand their clients’ specific market,” said Clutch Business Analyst Dustin Sammons. “High-quality development or design skills are not enough. The best agencies take those top-notch skills and translate them into products that match their clients exact needs and industries.”

Over 11 years of operation, Intellectsoft has gained a reputation of a reliable long-term partner in mobile app development, specifically in long-term Enterprise and Retail projects. We have created mobile applications for EY, Jaguar, Eurostar, Guinness, a top American retail giant, and many more. 

Our comprehensive mobile app development services resulted in products that solve specific challenges in our client’s operations, helping them to grow revenue, empower employees with meaningful digital tools, deliver better experiences to customers, and strengthen the brand.

Our efforts are regularly recognized by Clutch and similar platforms as well as industry’s top publications. We have recently moved closer to the Inc. 500 cohort, and the product we helped bring to life was recognized by Fast Company alongside the products from Apple, Google, IBM, and other tech giants. In 2019, Clutch named us a Top Software & Technology Services Provider in California, Top Emerging Technology Services Provider, and a Global Software Development Leader. 

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